How Do You Define a Good Portrait?

February 19, 2013  •  1 Comment


Eagel Scout, Will Jackson

The longer I take photos the more I come to respect the fine art of portrait photography.  Legendary photographers such as Yousaf Karsh and Arnold Newman seemed to make it look so natural.  Even today, one look a their imagery and you feel as if you are a part of the scene.  Your at the location they have placed the subject in,  you find yourself studing the backgound as well as the individual.  Then as you walk away from the viewing you feel like you know something about that person, all the while wanting to know a little more.  To me this is the essence of a great portrait, verses just a snapsot.   It's this approach that's my base when setting out to do a portrait, both in studio and on location.

  While capturing the the image of Eagle Scout, Will Jackson, I wanted to pay honor to him and his achievements.  Becoming a an Eagle Scout is an honor all its own; and Will has done it before the age of fifteen.  Anolther goal of the portrait was to project the high regard which I personally hold the Boyscouts.  In light of recent events, I still feel their ability to help mold boys into into young men is second to none.  I look back on days as a Boy Scout with great memories and hope this portrait reflects that.

Eagel Scout, Will Jackson Tech Notes, Camera-Nikon D3x, Lens-Nikon 105vr, Lighting-Profoto, Illustrative Effect-Topaz Detail 3


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I am additionally venerating my consideration in the Canon 5D that offers uncommon outcomes in the depiction photography. I achieve the greater part of my tasks by utilizing this camera since it is lightweight and it offers unprecedented outcomes.
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