Located less than a mile from our Cincinnati studio, is Eden Park's Spring House. This beautiful ornate gazebo still sets beside winding Eden Park drive as it did over 100 years ago. The most noticable changes are that the giant reservoir has long since been replaced by an oval refecting pool with fountain and the landscape that once framed the Cincinnati Art Museum now almost completely hide the italianate structure once the spring foilage comes in. This was the reason for photographing this scence during the winter months and choosing an angle that closely matched the original photograph taken by the Detroit Publishing Company. The 1910 image was also used to reproduced this hand colored postcard long before the introduction of color photography. To see additional Cincinnati Eden Park imagery visit the National Library of Congress Archives at: www.loc.gov/pictures/item//det1994016653/PP/
Tech Notes, Camera-Nikon 800, Lens-Nikon 50mm, Illustrative Effect-Topaz Clarity www.tonyarrasmith.com